Saturday, September 29, 2012

Day 41 - Leevi One-Sock

"Seriously, who needs two?"

I am pretty sure it is all babies, but Leevi really has a hard time keeping both of his socks on.  Even his hand-me-down super comfy Smartwool baby socks.

Day 40 - Cuddlebug

"I love being wrapped up!"

Leevi still loves his swaddle bag/blanket deal.  A lot.  He pretty much can't sleep without it.  He even likes to have his hands tucked inside.  Paige was never that way.  By day 40 Paige was over the swaddling, and even before then she really liked to have her space.

Day 39 - Another Day, Another Elephant

"Let's go on a safari."

Why don't they make adult dress shirts with elephants on them.  They should.

Day 38 - Lawn Party

"Welcome to my awesome yard and play room."

We had a party to celebrate the completion of the fence and the back play room.  Paige and the kids who came over had a blast.  Leevi was awake enough to watch them play too. He is definitely a watcher.  He is just so content to sit on his Momma's lap and watch the world around him.

Day 37 - Food.

"Feeeed Meee."


Day 36 - Rolly Polly

"I can al...most....get....there...."

When he is awake (not too often yet)  he is sure a mover.  He isn't getting over, but he sure tries.

Day 35 - Cheeseburger French Fries.

"Personally, I prefer "Ham On"  But we can go with that sister."

Paige isn't too jealous of Leevi most of the time.  Every now and again though, she neeeeeds to pop in to a photo.

Day 34 - Lay Your Hands On Me

"Ooh, that's chilly!"

Paige wants to help out with Leevi as much as she can.  They had a fun post-bath baby lotion applying session.

Day 33 - The Bee's Knees

"Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy."

Just another mid-day day smile session.

Day 32 - Burp.

"Nice evening for a burp."

Just another late-afternoon feeding.

Day 31 - Camp-O-Ween

"Better watch out, you never know what is coming out my tail end."

We went camping at Westward Ho this weekend.  They have an early Halloween camping weekend.  All of the kids dress up and go from site to site trick-or-treating.  Turns out, so do the adults.  The adult treats were decidedly less candy-like, and much more liquid.  Leevi was a cute little skunk.

Day 30 - Triumphant Return

"Oh hi Dad.  Kinda forgot about you."

I was able to rejoin the family late late Friday night at Grandma Alice's house.  Leevi was ecstatic, as you can see. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Day 29 - Farming.

"Here we go!"

What late summer/early fall trip would be complete without the Little Farmer (and it's Carmel Apples).  Clearly they had a good time.

Day 28 - Zoo.

"This Zoo is SO awesome."

Valerie and the kids took a trip down to visit the family in Southern Wisconsin after Labor Day.  The trip was action-packed, and included a visit to the Henry Villas Zoo in Milwaukee.  Leevi clearly was impressed.

Day 27 - Waking Moment.


I swear, he really is awake. Sometimes.

Day 26 - Travel Time


Looks like we have two car babies.

Day 25 - So much excitement


All that fun at the cabin.  So tiring.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Day 24 - Li'l Hunter

"Wait, where did I go?"

Can you ever get tired of putting grown up hats on babies?  Doubtful.

Day 23 - Cabin Time

 "Good to see you A-man"
We headed to Tomahawk for Labor Day Weekend, and got in pretty late.  Everyone was still up though, so Leevi had some quality Cousin time.

Bonus Photo:
"I'm Hungry!"

I had forgotten the added time it takes to travel with an infant.  Sometimes that means pulling over and feeding him in a gas station parking lot.

Day 22 - Are You Ready for Some Football?

"Go Rangers!"

It was Forest Lake High School's first football game.  I think Valerie was having some Athletic Training withdrawal, so we made the trek down to Cottage Grove to watch the game.  We only made it to half time before Paige and Leevi started growing restless, but it was a good adventure anyway.

Day 21 - Wide Awake

 "Let's play a game or something, I'm bored."

Three weeks into this thing called life, and he is starting to actually be awake for some of it.  At least in short increments.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Day 20 - Room Transformation

"I don't quite understand what all the fuss is about.  Just seems like carpet to me."

The back porch is done.  it is now officially no longer a porch.  It is the kids' playroom.  It looks pretty darn nice if I do say so myself.  The floor will also probably never look this clean again.

Day 19 - Again and Again.

"Real original Dad.  It's like you don't even care."

Sometimes, you just need to take a photo of the kid sleeping.  Sometimes that is all you got.

Day 18 - Pastel

"I guess I do look good in pastel.  Maybe those baby designers are on to something."

Baby clothes, blankets, and even bottles seem to come in endless shades of pastel.  I never really noticed it with Paige.  Maybe they are on to something though.  He does look pretty darn dapper in pastel.

Day 17 - Grumplestiltskin


Leevi is one noisy little kid.  All sorts of crazy grunts, squeaks, and whistles.  I like to call this his Grumplestiltskin face.  I'm sure why he makes it or what it accomplishes.  One could wager a guess that it is his "working things out" face, but that doesn't seem to be true.