Sunday, November 11, 2012

Day 64 - Rock 'Em


Yeah, the shirt pretty much says it all.

Day 63 - Uhm, What?

"Uhm... come again?"

Day 62 - Sleepless.

"I just don't feel much like sleeping."

Some nights are longer than others.

Day 61 - Sock 'Em

"Put em up Dad."

Lots of motion from Leevi these days.  He is definitely learning about moving his arms.

Day 60 - Squish-A-Love

"uhh, Sis, that's a little tight."

Leevi sure is loved.  Some times too much!

Day 59 - Another Day.


Just an interesting shot, no story to go along with it.

Day 58 - Afternoon Nap


Day 57 - Monkey Business

"Yes, I am aware of how awesome I look."

Day 56 - One of the Guys

"Dad, shouldn't your hands be as dirty as Uncle Mike's?  What gives?"

Uncle Mike, Leevi and I replaced the alternator in the Kia.  And by that I mean, Mike taught me how to do it while Leevi chilled in his stroller for a bit.

Day 55 - Swinging Along

"Push me higher!"

Leevi thoroughly enjoys his mobile-swing.  Probably the only way you can get him to relax if you aren't holding him/strapping him in to the Bjorn.  (Thanks Robyn and Myke).

Day 54 - Bjorning Around

"Yeah, this is much better."

Sometimes you need to strap the kid in and go about your day.